Hi my name is Florence Dedée

I'm a web developer with some marketeer skills

After some marketing studies at Helmo Sainte-Marie I chose to specialize myself in the web-development because it allows me to be creative and to set up a work from nothing to a completed version. My added value is that throughout the webdesign process I keep an eyes on the target and on the ergonomics of the project.

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Some skills

  • Web development


  • Marketing

    Marketing strategy Community management B2C & B2B...

  • Languages

    English B2 Dutch B1 Spanish A2

  • Software

    Adobe Suite Microsoft Office Sarbacane

Some experiences

Collaboration on the Jerecherche.pro project at VentureLab

From February 2016 Until Now

We are creating a start-up in the construction sector. The project contains B2B and B2C targets which is really enriching. We are working on each step to progress.

Business developer at Good-4You

Duration: 6 months

Tasks: market studies over a new service for small businesses in Wallonia, marketing and communication plan for this service, launch of this service, community managing of a 150 000 fan page...